Utah Tech University

Language Placement

Spanish Placement Test

Students that have a prior knowledge of Spanish may have the Spanish Placement Test, which will assess conversational and academic Spanish skills for the purpose of placement into the correct SPAN course level. You may request to place into a SPAN course if you:

  • Intend to take Spanish courses at Utah Tech University
  • Have studied Spanish at a secondary school (i.e., junior high/middle school, high school, seal of biliteracy, etc.) and/or another institution of higher education (college, university, etc.).
  • Have acquired Spanish through association with Spanish-speaking communities (e.g., missionary work, family member, etc.).



Email Lucia Taylor at lucia.taylor@utahtech.edu and state:

  • That you’d like to place into a SPAN course
  • Where you learned Spanish (abroad or in the US)
  • If you’ve taken any SPAN courses (secondary or post-secondary), how many years or credits.
  • Include a brief paragraph in Spanish outlining what you did during your last vacation or trip (the content does not matter as much as gauging your ability to write descriptions and narrations in the past)

After the assessment of your writing skills, there may be an oral interview to fine-tune your placement based on your oral skills.



Free, there is no charge for the placement test.


Vertical Credits

If you successfully place into a SPAN course above SPAN 1010 and pass the course with a C or higher, you are eligible for vertical credits for the course(s) you bypassed.

ASL Placement Test

Students that have a prior knowledge of American Sign Language (ASL) may have the ASL Placement Test, which is a 30-minute (or less) conversation that will assess conversational and academic ASL skills for the purpose of placement into the correct ASL course level. You may request to place into an ASL course if you:

  • Intend to take American Sign Language courses at Utah Tech University
  • Have studied ASL at a secondary school (i.e., junior high/middle school, high school, seal of biliteracy, etc.) and/or another institution of higher education (college, university, etc.).
  • Have acquired ASL through association with members of the Deaf Community (e.g., missionary work, family member, Deaf friend, etc.).



Email Allyson Hamilton at allyson.hamilton@utahtech.edu and state:

  • That you’d like to place into an ASL course
  • Where you learned sign language
  • How long you’ve been signing
  • If you’ve taken any ASL courses (secondary or post-secondary)

An in-person or virtual interview will be set up to fine-tune your placement based on your ASL skills.



Free, there is no charge for the placement test.


Vertical Credits

If you successfully place into an ASL course above ASL 1010 and pass the course with a C or higher, you are eligible for vertical credits for the course(s) you bypassed.

Japanese Placement Test

Students that have a prior knowledge of Japanese may have the Japanese Placement Test, which will assess conversational and academic Japanese skills for the purpose of placement into the correct JAPN course level. You may request to place into a JAPN course if you:

  • Intend to take Japanese courses at Utah Tech University
  • Have studied Japanese at a secondary school (i.e., junior high/middle school, high school, seal of biliteracy, etc.) and/or another institution of higher education (college, university, etc.).
  • Have acquired Japanese through association with Japanese-speaking communities (e.g., missionary work, family member, etc.).



Email Yukie Saito at yukie.saito@utahtech.edu and state:

  • that you’d like to place into a JAPN course
  • where you learned Japanese (abroad or in the US)
  • if you’ve taken any JAPN courses (secondary or post-secondary), how many years or credits.
  • include a brief paragraph in Japanese outlining what you did during your last vacation or trip (the content does not matter as much as gauging your ability to write descriptions and narrations in the past)
  • After the assessment of your writing skills, there may be an oral interview to fine-tune your placement based on your oral skills.



Free, there is no charge for the placement conversation.


Vertical Credits

If you successfully place into a JAPN course above JAPN 1010 and pass the course with a C or higher, you are eligible for vertical credits for the course(s) you bypassed.

Chinese Placement Test

Students that have a prior knowledge of Chinese may have the Chinese Placement Test, which will assess conversational and academic Chinese skills for the purpose of placement into the correct CHIN course level. You may request to place into a CHIN course if you:

  • Intend to take Chinese courses at Utah Tech University
  • Have studied Chinese at a secondary school (i.e., junior high/middle school, high school, seal of biliteracy, etc.) and/or another institution of higher education (college, university, etc.).
  • Have acquired Chinese through association with Chinese-speaking communities (e.g., missionary work, family member, etc.).



Email De He, Chinese Instructor, at de.he@utahtech.edu and state:

  • That you’d like to place into a CHIN course
  • Where you learned Chinese (abroad or in the US)
  • If you’ve taken any CHIN courses (secondary or postsecondary), how many years or credits.
  • Include a brief paragraph in Chinese outlining what you did during your last vacation or trip (the content does not matter as much as gauging your ability to write descriptions and narrations in the past)

After the assessment of your writing skills, there may be an oral interview to fine-tune your placement based on your oral skills.



Free, there is no charge for the placement test.


Vertical Credits

If you successfully place into a CHIN course above CHIN 1010 and pass the course with a C or higher, you are eligible for vertical credits for the course(s) you bypassed.


Allie White

Academic Advisor

Email: allie.white@utahtech.edu

Phone: 435-879-4279

Office: McDonald 218

Francine Larger

Administrative Assistant

Email: francine.larger@utahtech.edu

Phone: 435-652-7822

Office: UPLAZB 115

Lucia Taylor

Department Chair - History, Humanities, and Modern Languages

Email: Lucia.Taylor@utahtech.edu

Phone: 435-879-4203

Office: UPLAZA 122