Utah Tech University

Modern Languages Faculty

ASL Faculty

Display image of Kelly Bunting

Kelly Bunting

Part-Time Instructor

Email: kelly.bunting@utahtech.edu

Display image of Melissa Dodge

Melissa Dodge

Part-Time Instructor

Email: melissa.dodge@utahtech.edu

Display image of Christopher Flygare

Christopher Flygare

Part-Time Instructor

Email: christopher.flygare@utahtech.edu

Display image of Tiffany Harding

Tiffany Harding

Visiting Instructor of the Practice-ASL

Email: tiffany.harding@utahtech.edu
Phone: 435-879-4684
Office: JENCOM 136

Display image of Andrea Luikart

Andrea Luikart

Visiting Instructor of the Practice-ASL

Email: Andrea.Luikart@utahtech.edu
Phone: 435-879-4794
Office: JENCOM 140

Default male avatar

Tony Park

Part-Time Instructor

Email: tony.park@utahtech.edu

Display image of Kenny Schoemig

Kenny Schoemig

Part-Time Instructor

Email: kenny.schoemig@utahtech.edu

Display image of Cari Shakespear

Cari Shakespear

Part-Time Instructor

Email: cari.shakespear@utahtech.edu

French Faculty

Display image of M. Cammeron Murdock

M. Cammeron Murdock

Part-Time Instructor

Email: Cammeron.Murdock@utahtech.edu
Phone: 435-652-7822
Office: UPLAZA B 118

Japanese Faculty

Display image of Jason Rhodes

Jason Rhodes

Part-Time Instructor

Email: jason.rhodes@utahtech.edu
Phone: 435-652-7822
Office: UPLAZA B 118

Spanish Faculty

Display image of Michael Cartmill, PhD

Michael Cartmill, PhD

Professor, Spanish
Director of Global Education

Email: Michael.Cartmill@utahtech.edu
Phone: 435-652-7899
Office: University Plaza B 121

Display image of Leonor Ceballos, PhD

Leonor Ceballos, PhD

Professor of Spanish
Spanish Program Head

Email: Leonor.Ceballos@utahtech.edu
Phone: 435-634-2012
Office: University Plaza B 119

Display image of Ronald Gill, EdD

Ronald Gill, EdD

Part-Time Instructor

Email: Ronald.Gill@utahtech.edu

Display image of Eva Sanchez

Eva Sanchez

Part-Time Instructor

Email: eva.sanchez@utahtech.edu

Display image of Lucia Taylor, PhD

Lucia Taylor, PhD

Associate Professor, Spanish
ACTFL OPI Spanish Tester

Email: Lucia.Taylor@utahtech.edu
Phone: 435-879-4203
Office: University Plaza B 122

Chinese Faculty

Display image of De He

De He

Acting Assistant Professor of Chinese

Email: de.he@utahtech.edu
Phone: 435-879-4511
Office: UPLAZA B 212