The Humanities courses which fulfill General Education Humanities credit states the following:
Program Goals and Learning Objectives
- Students will study the ways others have asked “big questions” in creative ways and how they answered those questions.
- Students will study the enduring creative expressions of humans that reflect our experiences, as well as our feelings and ideas about ourselves, other humans, the past, and the universe.
The humanities remain at the core of a liberal education.
Courses in Humanities and Philosophy that fulfill the General Education Humanities requirement help students develop:
- an understanding of cultural diversity and continuity as well as some historical and philosophical influences that have contributed to our present culture and that may affect our future.
- an understanding of the interrelatedness of human history, great ideas, and the arts
- an understanding that the study of humanities is a study of the creators of ideas, words, and artifacts that reflect the creators’ values
- the ability to understand, empathize with, and resolve issues through the development of an understanding of human needs and problems
- an appreciation of the need for social interdependence, civic purpose, and responsible citizenship by helping individuals understand their common heritage
- the ability to analyze, synthesize, discuss, and write about cultural values and the various ethical approaches to social and political issues in our society
- the ability to define and examine our personal value systems and understand their cultural roots
- an understanding of the traditions of philosophical thought
The directives included in the General Education Humanities also require the following of courses filling GE:“To meet these goals (listed above), courses will require students to complete, at a minimum, the following:”
- Study a substantial amount of relevant material (primary and secondary texts and other appropriate media) in order to understand and appreciate the variety and complexity of humanistic thought and invention
- Write at least on extensive critical essay on a theme, work, group or works, significant figure, or any other relevant topic that demonstrates the ability to analyze, synthesize, and evaluate information
- Produce brief response writings on relevant topics to demonstrate competency in reading and responding to texts and other media as well as how significant periods and figures have shaped humanistic thought and defined our value systems
- Take exams that measure retention of course material as well as original analysis and insight into relevant topics
- Participate in lectures and discussions to develop skill in articulation and defending